Arama ikonu


Phishing is a type of online attack in which fraudsters send emails to random user accounts. The emails appear to come from well-known websites or from the user's bank, email or internet service provider. They usually ask for personal information such as passwords to update accounts. These emails contain a URL link that redirects users to another website. This website is either a fake or an altered website. When users visit this website, they are asked to enter personal information, which is forwarded to the person carrying out the phishing attack.

How can you protect yourself in this case?

İşbank AG would never ask its customers by e-mail to register online to update their personal data or for any other purpose. Such messages can be safely ignored. Never use the links in such e-mails.


Trojans are malicious programmes that carry out unnoticed actions on the user's computer.

Trojans smuggle spy programs onto your computer or smartphone unnoticed. Similar to viruses. With up-to-date virus protection and a few rules of conduct, you can protect yourself effectively.

How can you protect yourself in this case?

• Do not open attachments or links in emails from foreign sources.

• Always install the latest security updates for your operating system.

• Regularly scan all drives on your computer for malware.

• Use anti-virus software and and use a firewall.


Pharming involves using malicious software to manipulate your operating system so that you are automatically redirected to fake websites, even though you have entered the internet address correctly.

How can you protect yourself in this case?

To detect this manipulation, always make sure that the online banking address starts with https. Also, always check that your browser displays a closed lock symbol and check the certificate of the. Install a firewall and a virus scanner as well as anti-spyware software and update these programmes regularly.

Social Engineering

Fraudsters manipulate social media users through psychological tricks. The aim is to elicit confidential information from employees.

Employees use social networks both privately and professionally with profiles for trusted business partners, colleagues, but also for consultants and headhunters. Fraudsters send contact requests. By linking the profiles via contact confirmation, their own data and that of networked persons is disclosed. Supposed headhunters can thus spy out names, professional positions of third parties and their business relationships very easily. Mobile phone numbers and e-mail accounts (private and business) can be misused for the purpose of making contact. be misused to make contact. You can be contacted with a given identity that you may know from your professional network. For you, it is not comprehensible that perpetrators could be hiding behind the many profiles.

How can you protect yourself in this case?

• If you receive a contact request, check carefully whether you know the person or who recommended them.

• Set your social media account so that professional contacts are not visible to everyone.

• Check profiles of contact requests in advance for qualified content and inconsistencies.

• If you are contacted by headhunters, check whether the company behind them actually exists.