Arama ikonu

Ihre Vorteile


Account opening and account management independent of the İşbank branches


Postident by video-identification


  1. İŞWEB accounts are available to individuals residing in the Federal Republic of Germany. İŞWEB accounts are not available for minors. Joint accounts opened using the Deutsche Post ‘Postident’ identity verification process are operated as ‘either/or’ accounts (joint accounts with each account holder individually authorised to conduct transactions alone) for a maximum of two people.

  1. Deposits into an İŞWEB account can either be made in cash or by transferring funds from an account of your choice.

  1. Deposits into a fixed-rate savings account from an İŞWEB account can only be made with a written order submitted by post, fax or by email as a scanned document.

  1. Overdrafts are allowed up to the limit granted by İşbank AG in each individual case.

  1. The entire credit balance of an İŞWEB account is always available to account holders.

  1. Isbank generates monthly statements of account in case a transaction volume accumulates. The statements will be sent for free.

  1. İŞWEB accounts have no monthly account fee.

  1. Payments (domestic and international transfers, standing orders, etc.) are usually transacted online. In case of technical problems, written orders will also be accepted as an exception: due to security reasons, we will only accept original, signed documents.

  1. Active debits (direct-debit orders submitted by the account holder) are not available with an İŞWEB account.

  1. Account holders can only submit an application for a İşbank debit card if the İŞWEB account is used as a salary account.


  1. Can be used to open an instant-access savings account, fixed-rate savings account or İŞWEB account online.

  1. Minimum deposit for an İşbank instant-access savings account is one euro, fixed-rate savings accounts can be opened with a minimum initial deposit of 2,500 euros.

  1. Deposits into an instant-access savings account can either be made in cash or by transferring funds from an account of your choice.

  1. Applying for İşbank online banking allows customers to access and manage their account at any time.

  1. No fees for opening and maintaining an İşbank instant-access savings account, fixed-rate savings account or İŞWEB account or for using online banking.


Identifikation online per Videochat

Im Online-Verfahren ist die Feststellung Ihrer Identität innerhalb weniger Minuten möglich, unabhängig davon, welches Endgerät Sie verwenden.

Checkliste POSTIDENT durch Videochat:

  1. Computer mit Internetzugang und WebRTC

- Aktueller Internet-Browser (Mozilla Firefox oder Google Chrome)

- Mikrofon für das Gespräch mit dem Call-Center-Mitarbeiter

- Webcam für die Identifizierung per Foto

- Mobiltelefon für den TAN-Empfang per SMS

- Ausweis (Reisepass oder Personalausweis) mit holografischem Merkmal

  1. Ein Mitarbeiter der Deutschen Post führt Sie per Video-Chat durch das Verfahren. Sie erhalten per SMS eine TAN, um Ihre Daten zu bestätigen.

  1. Danach werden Sie auf unsere Website zurückgeführt